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To join our branch, click to download the application:

Click here to see a membership update from our Membership Chair (May 2020)

You can send your completed downloaded application to or you can print the application and bring it to the Legion, or arrange to have it picked up by a member of our branch.

Your membership in the Legion would help to support Veterans and their families; would ensure that all Canadians remember the service and sacrifices made by the men and women who protect our freedoms; and would provide valuable resources for programs and services right in your own community.


Become a member today by filling out an application form. Forms are available above and also in person at Kingston Legion Branch #30.


Make the most of your membership! Some examples of how you can get involved are:

  • Volunteer in the community: Through the legion there are many opportunities to help veterans and their families, youth, seniors, and other community programs

  • Volunteer at the Branch: through fundraising activities, organizing Branch events, joining committees, or seeking to work on the Executive to help shape the future of the branch.

  • Help with the annual Poppy Campaign and Remembrance ceremonies to ensure Canada ‘Never Forgets’


Attending Branch #30’s meetings is the best way to know what is happening at the branch. To find the next meeting date, please see our Calendar.


As part of membership, enjoy an annual subscription to Legion Magazine, Canada’s award winning history magazine.

Honors and Awards 2018

At this past Remembrance Day, we presented the following awards to members of our branch:


  • Associate Members

    • Andrew MacEwen - 5 years

    • Jason MacEwen - 5 years

    • Phillip Pollard - 5 years

    • Dianne Dowling - 20 years

  • Ordinary & Life Members​

    • Greg Gallant - 5 years​

    • Eric Goodwin - 5 years

    • Dianna MacDougall - 5 years

    • John MacDougall - 5 years

    • Duane MacEwen - 10 years

    • Terrence McGaughey - 20 years

    • Ricky Parsons - 20 years

    • Thane Jenkins - 40 years

    • Paul McKinnon - 40 years

  • Medals and Bars​

    • David Cosh - Past Officer's Medal and Executive Bar​

    • Scott Ferris - Past Officer's Medal, Executive and Public Relations Bar

    • Alan Crane - Past President's Medal, Pin and Bar

    • Derek French - 1st Vice President Bar, Membership Bar and President's Pin

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